Premium vs Discount Bonds: Which Should You Buy?


Rather than changing the bond’s stated interest rate to 8%, the corporation proceeds to issue the 9% bond on January 1, 2022. Since this 9% bond will be sold when the market interest rate is 8%, the corporation will receive more than the bond’s face value. Meanwhile, historical data shows a high term premium does not live up to its intended purpose, and it doesn’t typically correspond to better performance of longer term yields compared with the rate of rolling short-term Treasury bills. Theoretically, the term premium should not remain elevated for long periods of time in the presence of buyers who are able to buy and hold long-term Treasurys to maturity to take advantage of it. In other words, the term premium represents “free lunch” for buy-and-hold accounts because if the premiums are high, it would represent a transfer of income from those who can roll overnights to those who cannot, Axel said in a Wednesday note. Fed Chair Jerome Powell also nodded to the term premium as a driver for yields.

  • If a person holds more than one discount obligation, issue a separate Form 1099-OID for each obligation.
  • The bond is dated as of January 1, 2022 and has a maturity date of December 31, 2026.
  • In general, the YTM is the discount rate that, when used in figuring the present value of all principal and interest payments, produces an amount equal to the

Posted in Bookkeeping

So, an allowance for doubtful accounts is established based on an anticipated, estimated figure. Bad debt expenses related to the goods or services delivered to a customer. Since the initial items fall under the cost of goods sold, most people think it must include bad debts. While that is reasonable, it is crucial to understand how a receivable balance becomes irrecoverable.

Likewise, the calculation of bad debt expense this way gives a better result of matching expenses with sales revenue. GAAP requires companies to match expenses to revenue as closely as possible. As accountants, we don’t want to go back to the prior year, change it, restate it, and publish new financials. That would be time-consuming and the users of those financials would be frustrated if we were always going back and changing the financials. So, once a year is over, and the books are closed, it’s done and we don’t go back. Alternatively, a bad debt expense can be estimated by taking a percentage of net sales, based on the company’s historical experience with bad debt.

  • The first is the direct write-off method, which involves writing off accounts when they are identified as uncollectible.
  • However, if the situation has changed significantly, the company increases or decreases the percentage rate to reflect the changed condition.
  • Many small businesses aren’t sure

Posted in Bookkeeping

Net profit is the amount of money your business earns after deducting all operating, interest, and tax expenses over a given period of time. When the value of the cost of goods sold increases, the gross profit value decreases, so you have less money to deal with your operating expenses. Gross and net income are often confused by many people because they tend to have different meanings when talking about pay, wages, or business in general. It’s understandable that many people mix these two terms up because they are kind of confusing. For example, businesses use these terms to describe financial ratios while employees use them to describe differences in salaries.

But the sooner they do, the longer their savings will have to compound and grow. By the way, earned income can come from a job as an employee or through self-employment. In the first two cases, the main reason for filing would be to obtain a refund if one is due. The others are income-dependent or based on the opportunity to begin saving for retirement or to begin learning about personal finance. After subtracting the deductions of $5,000 (which could include IRA contributions, alimony payments, etc.), the AGI is $45,000.

Include your child’s unearned income on your tax return by using IRS Form 8814. It’s important to note that doing so could result in a higher tax rate for you than if the child filed

Posted in Bookkeeping