12 Step Programs for Addiction Recovery

12 Step Programs for Addiction Recovery

The language emphasizes the presence of God as each participant understands God, allowing for different interpretations and religious beliefs. Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and https://g-markets.net/sober-living/how-to-cure-boredom-7-ways-to-stop-being-bored/ food behaviors. AA’s 12-Step approach follows a set of guidelines designed as “steps” toward recovery, and members can revisit these steps at any time. Alcoholics Anonymous developed the first 12-step program, but such programs now exist in many different forms.

  • The 12-Step movement can be a powerful and helpful force for many people, but some people struggle with what they interpret as a strong religious element of the program.
  • Those attending meetings weekly had the lowest rates of relapse compared to those who attended less frequently.
  • Sponsors also help individuals better understand their past mistakes, yet they do not impose their personal views on the people they support.
  • About one third of those who attended a self-help group in the past year had also been involved in some type of formal treatment over that same period.
  • Whether this program includes 12-Step aspects, is based on the 12-Step concept, or is an alternative to this original model of addiction treatment, it’s important that care is customized to the individual.

12-step programs also help people achieve and maintain abstinence from substances. The final and maybe most important strength of the program discussed here concerns science. Though provision of a comprehensive review is not possible here, two empirically supported activities are highlighted. A common evidence-based practice for SUDs, contingency management [50], where rewards and incentives are provided to help reinforce abstinence and other health promoting behaviors, is exemplified in nearly every 12-step meeting. Through the chip system in AA or the key tag system often used in NA, members are recognized with a different colored chip or key tag for each marker of recovery, typically followed by a round of applause from the group. For example, if an NA member achieves 30 days of continued abstinence, they receive an orange key tag, 60 days is green, 90 days is red, blue is for 6-months, green for 9-months, and a glow in the dark key tag is awarded for one year clean.

Step 4

Some people believe these programs do some harm and that other treatment programs are a better fit instead. Another key benefit is called flourishing, which occurs when there is a long-term period in which people abstain from the substance. Those who are involved in this type of model are more likely to flourish for longer periods and more often than those who do not. The first development of this type of treatment model began around 1938.

  • He and Ebby embarked on a mission to share this spiritual process with as many alcoholics as possible.
  • This language is intended to make this belief accessible to all secular and spiritual people.
  • Today, support groups use these principles to address addictions to cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, marijuana and prescription painkillers.

Self-selection bias is unavoidable, and this is particularly problematic as the voices of those who have not done well via 12-step mutual aid recovery may be missing and the voices of those doing well may be over-represented. Twelve-step attendees often come and go many times before they commit to sobriety or leave permanently. When evaluating the research literature, this criticism should not be overlooked. Many other individuals have had prior experiences with 12-Step groups but have dropped out. How do these prior experiences affect their willingness to reengage, if at all? There may be a number of factors that arise in the course of such discussions.

What Are 12-Step Programs, and Where Did They Come From?

Early involvement in 12-step programs can result in reduced substance use, according to numerous studies cited in a 2013 report published in the journal Social Work in Public Health. However, the authors noted https://accountingcoaching.online/what-is-a-halfway-house-what-to-expect-in-halfway/ that attendance in these support groups remains low and inconsistent. People who participate in 12-step programs generally reduce their drug intake when compared with those who do not use self-help groups.

12 step program

In fact, it appears that the so-called fellowship, or social benefit, is one of the aspects of the program that most closely links to abstinence. This program is focused on helping people overcome addictions by focusing on their values and integrity rather than Tips for Treating and Living With Essential Tremor Cleveland Clinic embracing a higher power. It encourages members to make sobriety the top priority in their life and take whatever steps they need to stay on the path to recovery. While 12-step recovery programs can be helpful, they are not always the best choice for everyone.


The mean number of years clean is 8.32 years, with a range between less than 1 year (8%) and over 20 years (25%). The most popular 12-step support groups, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, host meetings every day throughout the United States. Are you interested in finding a 12-Step program that could help you beat your addiction? With more than 50,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups nationwide (and thousands of other Anonymous groups for various addictions), you’re bound to find one that works for you.

12 step program

Posted in Sober living